
Board of Education Regular Meeting
West Contra Costa USD
February 01, 2017 6:30PM

Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Board will convene at 6:00 PM in the Multi-Purpose Room to receive comments from anyone wishing to address the Board regarding closed session items.  The Board will then adjourn to closed session and reconvene in open session to address the regular agenda at 6:30 PM.

Quick Summary / Abstract:

Six cases

Quick Summary / Abstract:

WCCUSD Negotiators: Superintendent Matthew Duffy and Assistant Superintendent Ken Whittemore for the following groups:
  a.    Employee Organizations
         -Local One
         -School Supervisors Association
 b.     Unrepresented Employees
         -Confidential and Management

President Block called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. The Board recessed into Closed Session. President Block called the Public Session to order at 6:37 P.M.
B.1. Pledge of Allegiance
President Block led the Pledge of Allegiance.
B.2. Welcome and Meeting Procedures
President Block offered welcome and instructions to the public regarding the meeting.
B.3. Roll Call
Board Members Present: Liz Block, Valerie Cuevas, Madeline Kronenberg, Tom Panas, Mister Phillips, Student Representatives Zunarah Ahmad and Samuel Solis

Staff Present: Mark Bonnett, Executive Director Bond Finance; Linda Delgado, Charter School Liaison; Matthew Duffy, Superintendent; Harold Freiman, Attorney; Luis Freese, District Engineer; Debbie Haynie, Executive Secretary; Joshua Herrera, Maintenance Supervisor; Nicole Joyner, Director Accountability & Assessment; Lisa LeBlanc, Associate Superintendent M & O/Bond Program; Vince Meyer, Executive Director Maintenance M&O; Leticia Oregon, Translator; Melissa Payne, Director Contracts Administration; Eric Peterson, Director Special Education; Mary Phillips, Chief Technology Officer; Nia Rashidchi, Interim Associate Superintendent PreK-Adult Educational Operations; Thomas Scott; Sr. Personnel Assistant Confidential; Ed Sklar, Attorney; Marcus Walton, Communications Director; Ken Whittemore, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources
B.4. Presentation of Student Board Representatives from the Youth Commission for the Second Semester 2016-2017
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Youth Commission members Zunarah Ahmad of DeAnza High School and Samuel Solis of Middle College High School will serve as Student Board Representatives for the semester.

Superintendent Duffy introduced Youth Commission students Zunarah Ahmad of DeAnza High School and Samuel Solis of Middle College. They will serve as student representatives for the semester. They each shared remarks about themselves and their schools.
B.5. Report/Ratification of Closed Session
B.6. Review of Number of Requests to Address the Board For Comment On Individual Agenda Items
President Blocked assessed the number of speakers signed up for consideration in adjusting the agenda.
B.7. Agenda Review and Adoption (Public Comment)
Mr. Panas moved approval of the agenda as amended. Ms. Kronenberg seconded. Ms. Cuevas, Ms. Kronenberg, Mr. Panas, Mr. Phillips, Student Representatives Zunarah Ahmad and Samuel Solis (advisory vote only), and President Block voted yes, with no abstentions and no absences. Motion carried 5-0-0-0. Passed with a motion by Mr. Tom Panas and a second by Madeline Kronenberg.
Yes Liz Block.
Yes Valerie Cuevas.
Yes Madeline Kronenberg.
Yes Mr. Tom Panas.
Yes Mr. Mister Phillips.
Superintendent Duffy reported that item F.1 was tabled to a subsequent meeting. Mr. Phillips requested that items G.4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 13 be pulled for separate discussion and action.
C.1. Recognition of Pinole Valley High School senior Ethan Alon
Matthew Duffy, Superintendent

Pinole Valley High School senior Ethan Alon is one of just 5,000 Hispanic students recognized nationwide as a member of the National Hispanic Recognition Program by the College Board based on his score on the PSAT and his high grade point average. More than 250,000 Hispanic students took the test as high school juniors.

Ethan is currently the president of the Rocket Club, and vice president of the Developers Club, where students focus on coding. He is also a member of the Revitalize Club, which focuses on sustainability and green practices, Anime Club, Youth Advisory Board, Chess Club, and is involved with home economics and performing arts.

Additionally, Ethan also volunteers at the Family Justice Center, and at the Bay Area Legal Aid office in Richmond.

Ethan has aspirations to study computer programming and eventually become a software engineer developing games or apps. He lists MIT as his top choice with UCLA, UC Irvine, Berkeley, and UC Davis also on the list.

Financial Impact:


Superintendent Duffy introduced Ethan Alon and noted his accomplishments as a student at Pinole Valley High School. Board members took advantage of a photo opportunity with Ethan while offering congratulations.
C.2. Report on Young Scholars Program
Nia Rashidchi, Assistant Superintendent, PreK-Adult Educational Operations

The Young Scholars Program is a college preparatory program for students of color. The students participate in college tours, college fairs, financial aid workshop, and admissions presentations. There are approximately 160 students receiving college preparation services at four comprehensive high schools: De Anza, El Cerrito, Hercules, and Pinole. The program also provides monthly trainings for counselors to learn to work effectively with young men of color in the college preparation process. An YSP developed curriculum is used to prepare students for college preparation and matriculation. Parents are also involved in the process.

Staff and partners will give an update on the progress and achievements of the program.

Financial Impact:


Ms. Rashidchi introduced Founder and CEO Jacqueline Rushing and District Liaison Thomas Scott who shared information regarding the Young Scholars and Rising Scholars program. Ms. Rushing thanked the Board and Superintendent for support and explained the program, work with young men of color, their parents, and school counselors. She spoke of the positive outcomes including increased attendance, improved grades and academic scores as the students look forward to college opportunities. Parents Simone Sykes and Vivian Balderas shared their experiences with the program. Students Darius Sykes Miller, Hercules High student, and Christopher Illili, Pinole Valley High student, spoke positively about the support and motivation they receive from the program to make college a reality.

Public Comment:

Board Comment:
Mr. Phillips asked how the high schools are selected to participate. Ms. Rushing responded with details regarding high school orientations and application process with the four current schools. She shared that she was of the opinion that Kennedy and Richmond High students would benefit as well with additional funding to the program for support.

Ms. Kronenberg spoke about seeing the program grow over the years. She remarked about matriculation rates and counselors growing capacity to help additional students. Ms. Rushing shared information about students qualifying for significant scholarship support to finance college.

Mr. Panas said he was impressed and asked about number of applications and ability to accept students. Ms. Rushing shared that there are more student applicants than space available.

Ms. Cuevas thanked Ms. Rushing and her staff as well as the students for demonstrating the ability to succeed. She said she thought this a great program and spoke about mapping elements of the program to insure college access to everyone. Ms. Rashidchi responded with information about various district wide programs.

Ms. Block thanked Ms. Rushing for her dedication to students helping them be more successful. She would like to see the program continue its efforts in assisting counselors to be more effective to all students. Ms. Block also said she was happy to hear that the program continued support for students and families once in college.
Rising Scholars Presentation
Quick Summary / Abstract:
(Education Code 35145.5; Government Code 54950 et seq.)
D.1. Superintendent's Report
Superintendent Duffy provided a report of activities in the District.
D.2. WCCUSD Public Comment
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Members of the public are invited to speak to the Board about any matter that is not otherwise on the agenda and is related to issues affecting public education in the WCCUSD.  Approximately 30 minutes will be allocated for this item.  If there are more requests to speak than can be heard within this time limit, “WCCUSD Public Comment” will continue after Item G.  Individuals wishing to speak must submit a “WCCUSD Public Comment” form prior to the beginning of this item on the agenda.  

Depending on the number of persons who wish to speak, from one to three minutes will be allocated to each speaker at the discretion of the President of the Board in order to accommodate as many speakers as possible.  The Board cannot dialogue on any issues brought before it by the public that have not been previously agendized, but may refer these to staff for response and/or placement on future agendas.

Erica Saavedra, Tiffany Chieudjui, Brooklyn Richmond-Cirina, Kimiko Richmond, George Miller, Veronica Jimenez, Aliya Cole, Floyd Cole, Maisha Cole, Maria Herrera, Christopher Larsen, Julian Wilk, Juliette Wilk, Tom Buckey, Luis Castro, Andrew Brodie, Mayra Gonzalez, Adrianna Escoto, Veronica Castro, Anne Dinklage , Justin Ryan, Lori Trevino, Alisia Harrison
E.1. LCAP Goal 5 Update and Initial Planning for 2017-2018
Nia Rashidchi, Interim Associate Superintendent PreK-Adult Educational Operations

LCAP Goal 5: Provide basic services to all students, including facilities, access to materials and technology.

Staff will give update on LCAP Goal 5.  Staff will also provide a summary of the state’s new LCAP template, evaluation rubrics and a roadmap for the 2017-2018 LCAP process.

Financial Impact:


Superintendent Duffy and Ms. Nicole Joyner presented information regarding Goal 5 of the LCAP plan and update for next year. Superintendent Duffy addressed successes and challenges, including a six-month evaluation from site leaders and stakeholders. He touched on three points to ensure the program was hitting goals including recruitment and retain of highly qualified staff, increased focus on professional develop, creating powerful school cultures. Mr. Duffy recommended Board discussion regarding adding counselors, assistant principals and secondary teachers as an investment through supplemental concentration funds.

Board Comment:
Mr. Panas spoke of the importance of priorities and evaluation of class sizes. He also stressed paying attention to data, assessment and actions.

Ms. Cuevas spoke about meaningful ways to invest in teaching and learning throughout the District. She asked at what point the Board would have conversation about alignment of resources to those priorities. Superintendent Duffy responded about alignment with community input from the evaluation as well as the Mandarin school plan. Ms. Cuevas proceeded with discussion of facilities plans and leveraging dollars. Superintendent Duffy responded that the facilities master plan has been helpful guidance with potential state bond funds and possible use of LCAP dollars.

Mr. Phillips focused on three points, including facilities and the opportunity to support the Wilson community and their trust deficit for that community. Secondly, assistant principals as necessary to help with closure of achievement gap and support at each elementary school will make a huge difference. Superintendent Duffy responded about restoring assistant principals to some of the neediest schools. Mr. Phillips continued with questions about what it would take to put an assistant principal at each elementary school. Mr. Duffy responded that funding would be prohibitive for every school for the next year, but over time could be implemented. Thirdly, Mr. Phillips continued with questions about reduction of secondary class sizes. Superintendent Duffy responded with information about the contractual number and work toward funding to hire and retain sufficient numbers of teachers.

Ms. Kronenberg spoke about an approach to reconsider the roles of administrators on campus and possibly have an instructional leader to assist with routine types of tasks and support the principal. Superintendent Duffy agreed that looking at the role of principal and principal supervision would be beneficial in their support.

President Block applauded Superintendent Duffy for honesty in recognizing areas of need and improvement. She talked about the amount to fund assistant principals in elementary schools and the cost of class size reduction, and taking a hard look at the commitment. She applauded the emphasis for early literacy and additional counselors. She concluded by sharing her concern for what the Wilson community has gone through and placement on facilities priority list.

Public Comment:
Demetrio Gonzalez, Jane Shetterly, Eric Swabeck, Minnie Setty, Jim Sanders, Liz Sanders, Marissa Glidden, Lucy Guisto, John Irminger

Ms. Joyner shared information about expected changes to the 2017-18 LCAP template and staff’s work to share those changes with the public.

Board Comment:
Board members had individual remarks about the new template. President Blocked thanked Ms. Joyner and commented about how hard the State makes it for districts to comply.

Mr. Phillips requested to agendize the addition of a United Teachers of Richmond seat on the DLCAP committee.
LCAP Presentation 2-1-17
E.2. Mandarin Immersion School
Matthew Duffy, Superintendent

Today’s presentation gives the Board an update on the community meetings to date and the implication of those meetings on the location of the Mandarin Immersion school.

Mr. Phillips moved to extend the meeting to 11:00 PM. Ms. Kronenberg seconded. Ms. Cuevas, Ms. Kronenberg, Mr. Panas, Mr. Phillips, and President Block voted yes, with no abstentions and no absences. Motion carried 5-0-0-0. Passed with a motion by Mr. Mister Phillips and a second by Madeline Kronenberg.
Yes Liz Block.
Yes Valerie Cuevas.
Yes Madeline Kronenberg.
Yes Mr. Tom Panas.
Yes Mr. Mister Phillips.
Financial Impact:


Superintendent Duffy provided an update of action to date including community meetings at Fairmont and Wilson, costs, and options for location. He looked for direction from the Board.

Public Comment:
Jamila Nightingale, Randolph Bell, Maisha Cole, Juliette Wilk, Deborah Thorne, Carrie Cangelosi, Cindy Wu, Wei-Chin Call, Pier LeBlanc, Leslie Reckler, Susan Kung, Judy Cheng, Dr. SuJin Jez

Board Comment:
Student Representative Samuel Solis asked for clarification about grades to be included. Ms. Block responded about kindergarten. Mr. Solis asked how the District would attract qualified teachers as the school grows. Superintendent Duffy spoke about the pipeline of teachers being trained around the state and the interest heard at recruitment fairs in dual immersion programs.

Student Representatives Ahmad and Solis left meeting for the evening at 9:45 PM.

Mr. Panas had questions about MRAD funds and use of developer fees. Superintendent Duffy and Ms. LeBlanc responded for clarification.

Ms. Kronenberg said she was excited by the project and saw it as one mechanism for addressing the achievement gap. She spoke about weighting enrollment factors and use of the Serra site. Superintendent Duffy responded with information about the bulk of the cost for staff and getting classrooms ready. Discussion continued with startup costs and incorporation with a shared site.

President Block reminded the Board about the lateness of the hour.

Mr. Phillips said he supported starting a mandarin program but expressed concerns with use of the Portola site. He addressed plans for placing Wilson and then Stege at the site while their campuses are under renovation as a matter of fairness and equity. His shared his view of long-term use of the Portola site to address overcrowding for the El Cerrito family of schools. Mr. Phillips also addressed a Spanish immersion school based on demographics and location of the Mandarin program within an existing school. Both Superintendent Duffy and Ms. LeBlanc responded with information.

Ms. Cuevas spoke about communication of the master plan to the community and funding availability. Superintendent Duffy responded with information from the facilities master plan. Ms. LeBlanc added additional clarification.

Board discussion continued regarding essential parent support, placing the dual immersion program within another school, the breakdown in communication around the use of Portola and the facilities master plan, and consideration of the Serra Campus as an option.

Superintendent Duffy recapped that he heard direction to bring a proposal using Serra or other potential site and clarify the District’s intent to consider Wilson’s move to Portola in 2018.

President Block asked the Board to consider extending the meeting. Mr. Panas spoke about extending the meeting for one and one-half hours. President Block objected to ninety minutes.
Mandarin Immersion School
E.3. Update of the District’s Educational Specifications
Lisa LeBlanc, Associate Superintendent Facilities, M&O, Bond

 On June 15, 2016, the Board approved the Facilities Master Plan and the associated implementation plan.  The implementation plan included the direction to update the District’s Educational Specifications which were last approved in 2011.  The Educational Specifications guide the District’s architects to design and align school facilities to the educational program.  The architect uses the specifications to translate curriculum and instructional program into an aesthetic, economical, functional educational environment.  The update of the educational specifications also includes a comprehensive review of the materials and products that are incorporated into the school facilities.  This entire process was needed to provide consistency, alignment with current and future program needs and objectives, along with an emphasis on cost efficiency and effectiveness. 

On August 10, 2016, the Board approved an agreement with Educational Planning and Programming (Iep2) to update the Educational Specifications.  Since that time, the planning team has conducted over 20 focus group discussions regarding program spaces and comparing traditional and flexible designs.  At the same time, several discussions were held regarding the materials and products used in our schools and ways in which to refine, define, and create cost efficiencies.  From these discussions, the desire for a new flexible design for classrooms was explored.

The planning team, along with staff, will lead a discussion with the Board to seek direction regarding their desire to include flexible design options in future schools, whether or not to include the new options into the design of Wilson Elementary and any upcoming elementary school projects in the future.  After direction from the Board, the planning team will move forward with drafting the educational specifications and material/product standards and bring back a full draft report to the board.

It should also be noted that the agreement with Iep2 was to have final review and approval of the Educational Specifications by the Board in January, 2017.  Due to the extensive focus group discussions and input needed from the Board on the new design concept, it will be necessary to extend and increase the Iep2 agreement.

Financial Impact:


Ms. LeBlanc provided information regarding the importance for the design of upcoming schools. She recapped the approval of the Facilities Master Plan and prioritization of remaining bond funds. The goals of the plan included cost efficiency for future project budgets with reductions of 4-5%. Streamlining the educational specifications will address cost reductions, materials, and product standards. This process will also include looking at 21st century learning trends.

Consultants Mr. Tim Haley and Ms. Ellen Mejia Hooper shared information regarding challenges within current documents and asking the Board to consider site options for flexibility in design plans.

Public Comment:

Board Comment:
Mr. Philips had questions about the plans already completed for Wilson and whether new design incorporation would delay the project. Ms. LeBlanc said she did not think it would cause delay with DSA approval. Mr. Phillips continued with questions about including the Wilson community in design planning, and previous discussions about reduction of classes. Ms. LeBlanc offered additional information about maintaining the campus at a larger size and budgeting costs.

Ms. Cuevas asked about code updates and new design plans. Ms. LeBlanc responded with information regarding building codes and upgrades not necessarily including 21st century school design plans. Additional discussion took place regarding design plan and cooperative use of space among classrooms.

Mr. Panas spoke about the kind of educational space needed ten years from now and the need to build flexible spaces.

Ms. Kronenberg supported conversation with the site communities.

Mr. Phillips urged similar presentations be made to teachers’ union employees.

President Block agreed with the idea of saving funds through use of less expensive products.
Educational Specifications Update
E.4. Initial Bargaining Proposal from West Contra Costa Unified School District to United Teachers of Richmond (UTR)
Ken Whittemore, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Pursuant to the Educational Employment Relations Act, the initial proposal for negotiations by school districts and labor unions must be submitted at a public meeting of the governing board.  The initial proposal of the West Contra Costa Unified School District to United Teachers of Richmond (UTR), is presented tonight as an information item.  At the next regularly scheduled board meeting this item will come back for public hearing and adoption by the Board of Education.   
Financial Impact:
To be determined
Mr. Whittemore provided information regarding the sun shining of proposals for negotiation and transparency for the public.

Public Comment:

Board Comment:
Initial Bargaining Proposal to UTR
E.5. Initial Bargaining Proposal from United Teachers of Richmond (UTR) to the West Contra Costa Unified School District
Ken Whittemore, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Pursuant to the Educational Employment Relations Act, the initial proposal for negotiations by school districts and labor unions must be submitted at a public meeting of the governing board.  The initial proposal of United Teachers of Richmond (UTR) to the West Contra Costa Unified School District is presented tonight as an information item and is attached to the agenda item.  At the next regularly scheduled board meeting this item will come back for public hearing and adoption by the Board of Education.   
Ms. Cuevas moved to suspend bylaws and extend the meeting by 25 minutes. Mr. Panas seconded. Ms. Cuevas, Ms. Kronenberg, Mr. Panas, Mr. Phillips, and President Block voted yes, with no abstentions and no absences. Motion carried 5-0-0-0. Passed with a motion by Valerie Cuevas and a second by Mr. Tom Panas.
Yes Liz Block.
Yes Valerie Cuevas.
Yes Madeline Kronenberg.
Yes Mr. Tom Panas.
Yes Mr. Mister Phillips.
Financial Impact:
To be determined
Initial Bargaining Proposal from United Teachers of Richmond (UTR) to the West Contra Costa Unified School District
Mr. Whittemore provided information regarding the bargaining proposal from the Union to the District.

Public Comment:

Board Comment:
Demetrio Gonzalez

Ms. Cuevas called for a point of order to reconsider the extension of the meeting. Attorney Ed Sklar provided clarification regarding suspending the bylaws and extending the meeting in order to address action items. Mr. Phillips urged adherence of the bylaws and that the late meetings interfered with effectiveness.
Initial Bargaining Proposal from United Teachers of Richmond
F.1. Decision to Accept or Deny the Richmond Charter Academy Charter Petition, proposed for West Contra Costa Unified School DistrictWas edited within 72 hours of the Meeting
Nia Rashidchi, Assistant Superintendent, PreK-Adult Educational Operations

Pursuant to the Charter School Act of 1992 (the “Act”), Education Code Section 47600 et seq., the Legislature has charged local school boards with the responsibility of reviewing and acting on petitions for charter schools.

On February 5, 2012 Amethod Public Schools (AMPS), a nonprofit public benefit corporation, submitted a petition to West Contra Costa Unified School District (WCCUSD) to establish an independent charter school known as Richmond Charter Academy (RCA).

On December 7, 2016, Amethod Public Schools submitted a charter renewal petition for Richmond Charter Academy.

Education Code section 47605(b) requires the Board, within 30 days of receiving a renewal petition, to hold a public hearing to consider the level of support for the petition. On January 4, 2017, a public hearing took place to hear from the Amethod team and the members of the public.

The Charter School Act requires the Board to either grant or deny the Petition within 60 days of submission, and the purpose of this meeting is review of staff findings and recommendation, hear comments from the public and make a board decision to either grant or deny the renewal.

Financial Impact:

If approved, loss of ADA from 270 students attending the Charter School. If denied, none.

This item was tabled to a subsequent meeting.
Richmond Charter Academy Renewal
F.2. Resolution 58-1617: Expenditures for Employee and Volunteer Recognitions
Marcus Walton, Communications Director

California Education Code §44015 expressly authorizes the Board of Education to budget funds for the recognition of District employees. By passing this resolution, the Board of Education, in keeping with Education Code, would authorize the Superintendent to expend funds to recognize employees for their work on behalf of students and the District.

Ms. Cuevas moved approval of Resolution 58-1617: Expenditures for Employee and Volunteer Recognitions. Ms. Kronenberg seconded. The motion was superseded by a subsequent motion. Passed with a motion by Valerie Cuevas and a second by Valerie Cuevas.
Yes Liz Block.
Yes Valerie Cuevas.
Yes Madeline Kronenberg.
Yes Mr. Tom Panas.
Yes Mr. Mister Phillips.
President Block made a subsequent motion to allocate funds for a ceremony to recognize employees. Mr. Phillips seconded the motion. A vote was taken on the subsequent motion with Ms. Cuevas, Ms. Kronenberg, Mr. Panas, Mr. Phillips, and President Block voting yes, with no abstentions and no absences. Motion carried for the subsequent motion 5-0-0-0. Passed with a motion by Liz Block and a second by Mr. Mister Phillips.
Yes Liz Block.
Yes Valerie Cuevas.
Yes Madeline Kronenberg.
Yes Mr. Tom Panas.
Yes Mr. Mister Phillips.
Financial Impact:

Not to exceed $30,000.

Mr. Walton provided information regarding the item explaining this was not a monetary award but an initiative by the Superintendent to recognize good and valuable work done by employees and volunteers in order to create new traditions and boost morale.

Public Comment:

Board Comment:
Mr. Panas asked about budgeting funds for this.

Mr. Phillips explained that the use of Education Code Section 44015 gives the Board the ability to award for exemplary work but does not to create funds for the Superintendent to do so. He suggested that the resolution be rewritten in a way to comply with the code section.

Superintendent Duffy explained the intent to use funds for an awards ceremony on June 2, 2017 and not use funds inappropriately.
Resolution 58-1617: Expenditures for Employee and Volunteer Recognitions
F.3. Resolution No. 60-1617: African American History Month
Marcus Walton, Communications Director

The State Board of Education has proclaimed February 2017 as African American History Month. The West Contra Costa Unified School District recognizes the contributions of African Americans and encourages schools to develop special instructional activities and celebrations.

Ms. Cuevas moved approval of Resolution No. 60-1617: African American History Month. Mr. Panas seconded. Ms. Cuevas, Ms. Kronenberg, Mr. Panas, Mr. Phillips, and President Block voted yes, with no abstentions and no absences. Motion carried 5-0-0-0. Passed with a motion by Valerie Cuevas and a second by Mr. Tom Panas.
Yes Liz Block.
Yes Valerie Cuevas.
Yes Madeline Kronenberg.
Yes Mr. Tom Panas.
Yes Mr. Mister Phillips.
Financial Impact:


Ms. Cuevas read the resolution into record.

Public Comment:

Board Comment:
Resolution 60-1617 African American History Month
F.4. Resolution No. 61-1617: Recognizing Fred T. Korematsu Day
Marcus Walton, Communications Director

The State of California has proclaimed January 30, 2017, as  Fred Korematsu Day of Civil Liberties and the Constitution. The West Contra Costa Unified School District recognizes the contributions of Mr. Korematsu and encourages schools to develop special instructional activities and celebrations.

Ms. Kronenberg moved approval of Resolution No. 61-1617: Recognizing Fred T. Korematsu Day. Ms. Cuevas seconded. Ms. Cuevas, Ms. Kronenberg, Mr. Panas, Mr. Phillips, and President Block voted yes, with no abstentions and no absences. Motion carried 5-0-0-0. Passed with a motion by Madeline Kronenberg and a second by Valerie Cuevas.
Yes Liz Block.
Yes Valerie Cuevas.
Yes Madeline Kronenberg.
Yes Mr. Tom Panas.
Yes Mr. Mister Phillips.
Financial Impact:


Ms. Kronenberg read the resolution into the record.

Public Comment:

Board Comment:
Resolution 61:1617 Recognition of Fred Korematsu Day
F.5. Resolution No. 56-1617: To Adopt Level II Developers Fees
Lisa LeBlanc, Associate Superintendent Facilities, M&O, Bond

As authorized under Education Code Section 17620, the District currently charges Level I and Level II Developer Fees to fund the construction and reconstruction of school facilities necessary to address the impacts of new development.  There are two separate processes for Level I and Level II fees and the attached Resolution No. 56-1617 is specifically addressing the determinations and findings required for Level II Developer Fees which are assessed on residential construction only.

Government Code Section 65995 regarding school facilities fees requires that a School Facilities Needs Analysis be conducted yearly to justify and determine the amount to be charged for Level II developer fees on new residential construction. The School Facilities Needs Analysis finds that the district meets the statutory requirement to decrease Level II fees from $4.97 per square foot to $4.82 per square foot.  This analysis was conducted according to state guidelines which includes meeting the eligibility requirements under Government Code Section 65995.5 by satisfying at least two of the four statutory requirements.  If approved by the Board, the new fee will go into effect February 2, 2017.

A public hearing must be conducted prior to the adoption of West Contra Costa Unified School District Resolution No. 56-1617 at which time individuals who wish to address the Board on matters pertaining to the Level II Developer Fees are allowed to speak.  The District has also complied with all noticing and distribution requirements prior to the date of the public hearing.

Ms. Cuevas moved approval of Resolution No. 56-1617: To Adopt Level II Developers Fees. Ms. Kronenberg seconded. Ms. Cuevas, Ms. Kronenberg, Mr. Panas, Mr. Phillips, and President Block voted yes, with no abstentions and no absences. Motion carried 5-0-0-0. Passed with a motion by Valerie Cuevas and a second by Madeline Kronenberg.
Yes Liz Block.
Yes Valerie Cuevas.
Yes Madeline Kronenberg.
Yes Mr. Tom Panas.
Yes Mr. Mister Phillips.
Financial Impact:

 Decrease in Level II Developer Fees of $ 0.15 cents per square foot on residential construction.

Ms. LeBlanc explained the annually required process adopting the needs analysis to support reduction in Level II Developer Fees for residential property. She asked the Board to hold a public hearing to receive public comment.

President Block opened public hearing.

Public Comment:

President Block closed public hearing.

Board Comment:
Mr. Phillips disagreed with holding a public hearing the late hour.
1 Resolution No. 56-1617 Level II Developer Fee
2 WCCUSD School Facilities Needs Analysis
Mr. Panas moved Approval of Consent Items G.1, G.2, G.3, G.8, C.14 and G.15. Ms. Kronenberg seconded. Ms. Cuevas, Ms. Kronenberg, Mr. Panas, Mr. Phillips, and President Block voted yes, with no abstentions and no absences. Motion carried 5-0-0-0. Passed with a motion by Mr. Tom Panas and a second by Madeline Kronenberg.
Yes Liz Block.
Yes Valerie Cuevas.
Yes Madeline Kronenberg.
Yes Mr. Tom Panas.
Yes Mr. Mister Phillips.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Consent Calendar Items are considered routine and will be enacted, approved and adopted by one motion, unless a request for removal, discussion or explanation is received from any Board member or member of the public in attendance. Items the Board pulls for discussion or explanation will be addressed following disposition of the remaining Consent Items under Section G Consent Items.

G.1. Grants/Awards/Agreements
Sheri Gamba, Associate Superintendent Business Services

Formal action is requested from the Board of Education to accept the grants/awards/agreements, as detailed on the attached sheet dated February 1, 2017. 

Financial Impact:
As noted per grants summary.

Grants Summary 020117
G.2. Acceptance of Donations
Sheri Gamba, Associate Superintendent Business Services

The District has received donations as summarized on the attached sheet dated February 1, 2017.  The estimated values for any non-cash donations (as indicated by an asterisk) are those provided by the donor.  Staff recommends acceptance of these donations.

Financial Impact:

As noted per donations summary.

Donations Summary 020117
G.3. Approval of Fund-Raising Activities
Sheri Gamba, Associate Superintendent Business Services

The planned fund-raising events for the 2016-17 school year is summarized on the attached sheet dated February 1, 2017.

Financial Impact:
Additional revenue for schools

Fund Raising Summary 020117
G.4. Contracts
Sheri Gamba, Associate Superintendent Business Services

Permission is requested of the Board of Education to approve the following contracts as detailed on the attached sheets dated February 1, 2017.

Mr. Phillips moved to table the High Expectations contract to allow opportunity for a staff presentation. Ms. Block seconded. Ms. Kronenberg seconded. Ms. Cuevas, Ms. Kronenberg, Mr. Panas, Mr. Phillips, and President Block voted yes, with no abstentions and no absences. Motion carried 5-0-0-0. Passed with a motion by Mr. Mister Phillips and a second by Liz Block.
Yes Liz Block.
Yes Valerie Cuevas.
Yes Madeline Kronenberg.
Yes Mr. Tom Panas.
Yes Mr. Mister Phillips.
Ms. Cuevas moved approval of the Silicon Valley Security and Control Inc. contract. Ms. Kronenberg seconded the motion. Ms. Cuevas, Ms. Kronenberg, Mr. Panas, and President Block voted yes, Mr. Phillips voted no, with no abstentions and no absences. Motion carried 4-1-0-0. Passed with a motion by Valerie Cuevas and a second by Madeline Kronenberg.
Yes Liz Block.
Yes Valerie Cuevas.
Yes Madeline Kronenberg.
Yes Mr. Tom Panas.
No Mr. Mister Phillips.
Financial Impact:
As noted per contracts summary

This item was pulled for separate discussion and action.

Mr. Phillips took exception with the approval of funding for High Expectations Parental Services for an African American Site Advisory Team. Ms. Rashidchi shared information to clarify.

Mr. Phillips asked about contracting out security services. Ms. LeBlanc provided information that this item was an amendment to an existing contract for security services to complete this fiscal year. Mr. Phillips said he supported the use of in house security personnel and local vendors.
1. Contracts Summary 020117
2. Contracts Back-Up 020117
G.5. Approve the following new job description: Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Aide
Ken Whittemore, Assistant Superintendent-Human Resources

The Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Aide job classification and job description has been created to provide needed support for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) students in the district’s Special Education program.  This classification provides intensive one-on-one and/or small group instruction to ASD students by utilizing their training and instruction acquired in their ABA programs.  The ABA Aide utilizes use various strategies, assistive technologies and other methods to ensure ASD students’ needs are met and to collect vital data so ensure student success during the instructional day.  Special Education has reviewed and approved the job description.  The district has met all Education Code and contractual requirements in negotiating the job classification, job description and commensurate salary with Public Employees Union, Local One.

The fiscal impact represents the increase in salary range and adding benefits to increase from 14 substitute, part-time ABA Aides to 15 permanent, benefited ABA Aides.

Financial Impact:

$199,450.00 General Fund

This item was pulled for separate discussion and action. No action was taken on this item.
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Aide
G.6. Approve the following new job description: Custodian-Special Education Preschool
Ken Whittemore, Assistant Superintendent-Human Resources

The Custodial – Special Education Preschool job classification and job description has been created to provide needed support for the district’s Special Education Preschool program.  This classification will assist in picking up and delivering special education equipment throughout the district, assemble/repair special education equipment and prepares the Cameron site for meetings, events and activities.  The Custodian – Special Education Preschool is distinguished from the Custodian classification as it requires light maintenance/assembly of Special Education equipment and supporting the Special Education program needs at multiple sites.  Operations has reviewed and approved the job description.  The district has met all Education Code and contractual requirements in negotiating the job classification, job description and commensurate salary with Public Employees Union, Local One.

The fiscal impact represents the increase in salary range from a custodian due to increased tasks, duties and responsibilities.

Financial Impact:

$3,463.28 General Fund

This item was pulled for separate discussion and action. No action was taken on this item.
Custodian - Special Education Preschool
G.7. Approve the following new job description: Early Learning, State Preschool, Graduate Tutor-Bilingual
Ken Whittemore, Assistant Superintendent-Human Resources

This new classification will provide needed intervention and academic support in the Early Learning, State Preschool program.  The Early Learning, State Preschool, Graduate Tutor – Bilingual is responsible for assisting with all required and state mandated data collection for assessments, reports, activities, parent meetings, curriculum, etc. in both English and Spanish. The new job description will support students, staff, parents and other stakeholders in all facets of the Early Learning, State Preschool program, which will allow the district to meet LCAP goals and improve student outcomes.

The district has met with Public Employees Union, Local One and negotiated the attached job description. The Coordinator of Preschool has reviewed and approved the job description.

Financial Impact:

$109,780.00 General Fund

This item was pulled for separate discussion and action. No action was taken on this item.
Early Learning, State Preschool, Graduate Tutor - Bilingual
G.8. Approval of Board Member Travel
Matthew Duffy, Superintendent

Board Bylaw 9250 stipulates members of the board shall be reimbursed for allowable expenses incurred in attending any meetings or in making any trips on official business of the school district when so authorized in advance by the Board of Education.  (Education Code 35044).  Board member Panas has expressed interest in attend the following:

  • CSBA Masters In Governance, January - May 2017, San Rafael

Cost estimate for In-State Travel include registration for monthly workshops is $1,270.00.

Financial Impact:

Estimated cost of $1,270.00 from General Fund In-State Travel budget leaving  $13,665.00 in the budget.  

G.9. Ratification of Board Committee Liaison Roster
Matthew Duffy, Superintendent

At their recent retreats in December and January, the Board determined assignments for 2017 including Board Subcommittees and Liaisons, as well as High School Families. 

Financial Impact:


This item was pulled for separate discussion and action. No action was taken on this item.
Board Assignments 2017
G.10. Ratification and Approval of Engineering Services Contracts
Lisa LeBlanc, Associate Superintendent Facilities, M&O, Bond

Contracts have been initiated by staff using previously qualified consulting, engineering, architectural, or landscape architectural firms to assist in completion of the referenced projects.  Many of the firms are already under contract and the staff-initiated work may be an extension of the firm’s existing contract with the District.  Public contracting laws have been followed in initially qualifying and selecting these professionals.

Ms. Cuevas moved to extend the meeting to 12:30 PM. Mr. Panas seconded the motion. Ms. Cuevas, Ms. Kronenberg, Mr. Panas, Mr. Phillips, and President Block voted yes, with no abstentions and no absences. Motion carried 5-0-0-0. Passed with a motion by Valerie Cuevas and a second by Mr. Tom Panas.
Yes Liz Block.
Yes Valerie Cuevas.
Yes Madeline Kronenberg.
Yes Mr. Tom Panas.
Yes Mr. Mister Phillips.
Ms. Cuevas moved approval of Engineering Services. Mr. Panas seconded the motion prior to leaving the dais. Ms. Cuevas, Ms. Kronenberg, and President Block voted yes, Mr. Phillips voted no, with no abstentions and Mr. Panas absent. Motion carried 3-1-0-1. Passed with a motion by Valerie Cuevas and a second by Mr. Tom Panas.
Yes Liz Block.
Yes Valerie Cuevas.
Yes Madeline Kronenberg.
Absent Mr. Tom Panas.
No Mr. Mister Phillips.
Financial Impact:

Total for this action: $69,650.  Funding source is General Fund.

This item was pulled for separate discussion and action.

Mr. Phillips questioned the Kennedy welding contract item. Ms. LeBlanc and Superintendent Duffy provided clarification.

Mr. Panas left the dais.

Mr. Panas returned to the dais.
1 Engineering Services Ratification Summary
2 Contracts/Amendments
G.11. Ratification of Negotiated Change Orders
Lisa LeBlanc, Associate Superintendent Facilities, M&O, Bond

Staff is seeking ratification of Change Orders on the following current District construction projects:  Infrastructure Upgrades @ Kennedy HS, Richmond HS, Crespi MS and Korematsu MS New Building. Change Orders are fully executed by the District upon signature by the Superintendent’s designee.  Board ratification is the final step required under state law in order to complete payment and contract adjustment.

In accordance with Public Contract Code 20118.4, the Board, by ratifying these Change Orders, finds that it would have been futile to publicly bid the work in question because of the tight time frames to complete this work without affecting the operations of the District, and that the public is best served by having this work completed by the contractor on the project.

Ms. Cuevas moved approval of Ratification of Negotiated Change Orders. Ms. Block seconded the motion. Ms. Cuevas, Ms. Kronenberg, Mr. Panas, and President Block voted yes, Mr. Phillips voted no, with no abstentions and no absences. Motion carried 4-1-0-0. Passed with a motion by Valerie Cuevas and a second by Liz Block.
Yes Liz Block.
Yes Valerie Cuevas.
Yes Madeline Kronenberg.
Yes Mr. Tom Panas.
No Mr. Mister Phillips.
Financial Impact:

 Total ratification by this action:  $101,131.39. Funded from Bond Fund

This item was pulled for separate discussion and action.
Change Order Approval Table
G.12. Ratification of Negotiated Non-Bond Change Orders
Lisa LeBlanc, Associate Superintendent Facilities, M&O, Bond

Staff is seeking ratification of Change Orders on the following current District construction projects: Kennedy HS Building 900 Wing Restroom Remodel (Fund 40). Change Orders are fully executed by the District upon signature by the Superintendent’s designee.  Board ratification is the final step required under state law in order to complete payment and contract adjustment.

In accordance with Public Contract Code 20118.4, the Board, by ratifying these Change Orders, finds that it would have been futile to publicly bid the work in question because of the tight time frames to complete this work without affecting the operations of the District, and that the public is best served by having this work completed by the contractor on the project.

Financial Impact:

Total ratification by this action:  $2,555.00. Funded from Fund 40.

This item was pulled for separate discussion and action. No action was taken on this item.
Change Order Approval Table Non-Bond
G.13. Award of Contract: Lake Elementary School Restroom & Door Repairs
Lisa LeBlanc, Associate Superintendent Facilities, M&O, Bond

In June 2008, the District submitted a grant application to the Office of Public School Construction for Lake Elementary School.  The State awarded the District a grant apportionment in August 2015.  In order to retain the funding provided by the state, the District must complete the approved scope of work and provide an expenditure report to the state no later than May 26, 2017.  This project must conform to the strict guidelines of the grant program.

HMR Architects prepared the plans for this project.  The scope of work for this project includes removal and replacement of five existing doors and hardware.  The scope all includes removal of existing walls, fixtures, concrete slab, plumbing, electrical and mechanical to reconstruct four single use restrooms.

The District conducted a public bid process for the project.  Bids were opened on January 12, 2017.  Four (4) contractors submitted a bid: A&E Emaar $288,000; Streamline Builders $318,000; Mar Con Co $455,867; Pinguelo Construction, Inc. $470,000.

The lowest responsive, responsible bidder is A&E Emaar.

Contract completion is anticipated May 2017.

The Facilities Master Plan implementation schedule anticipates that planning and commencement of construction drawings for the Reconstruction of Lake Elementary School will begin in late 2019.  Early projections anticipate occupancy of the new campus may be 2023 at the earliest.

Ms. Block moved approval of the Award of Contract: Lake Elementary School Restroom & Door Repairs. Mr. Panas seconded. Ms. Cuevas, Ms. Kronenberg, Mr. Panas, and President Block voted yes, Mr. Phillips voted no, with no abstentions and no absences. Motion carried 4-1-0-0. Passed with a motion by Liz Block and a second by Mr. Tom Panas.
Yes Liz Block.
Yes Valerie Cuevas.
Yes Madeline Kronenberg.
Yes Mr. Tom Panas.
No Mr. Mister Phillips.
Financial Impact:

$288,000. Funded from ERP Grant Funds.

This item was pulled for separate discussion and action.
G.14. Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) Appointment: Denise Gianni
Lisa LeBlanc, Associate Superintendent Facilities, M&O, Bond

The West Contra Costa Unified School District’s Facilities Subcommittee has forwarded a recommendation that Denise Gianni be appointed to fill the category of Taxpayers’ Organization member on the West Contra Costa Unified School District Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee for a two-year term effective February 11, 2017.

Financial Impact:


CBOC Application-Denise Gianni
G.15. Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) Appointment: Anton Jungherr
Lisa LeBlanc, Associate Superintendent Facilities, M&O, Bond

The West Contra Costa Unified School District’s Facilities Subcommittee has forwarded a recommendation that Anton Jungherr be appointed to fill the category of the City of Hercules resident on the West Contra Costa Unified School District Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee for a two-year term effective February 11, 2017.

Financial Impact:


CBOC Application-Anton Jungherr
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Lovonya DeJean Middle School - February 15, 2017

Lovonya DeJean Middle School - February 15, 2017
Quick Summary / Abstract:

At 10:00 PM, any items remaining on the agenda that require immediate attention will be moved to this time.  All other items will be tabled to another or the following Board meeting in order to make fair and attentive decisions.  The meeting will adjourn at 10:30 PM.  The meeting may be extended by a majority vote of the Board of Education.

President Block adjourned the meeting at 12:27 AM.
Disability Information:
Special Accommodations: Upon written request to the District, disability-related modifications or accommodations, including auxiliary aids or services, will be provided. Please contact the Superintendent’s Office at 510-231-1101 at least 48 hours in advance of meetings.
2/1/2017 6:37:00 PM ( Original )
PresentLiz Block
PresentValerie Cuevas
PresentMadeline Kronenberg
PresentMr. Tom Panas
PresentMr. Mister Phillips

The resubmit was successful.